Sunday, January 1, 2012

I gonna live my Fifteenth Life.

You're the Best Damn Thing that I've ever seen :DD

The one of my new wish for 2012 is 

ZiQian Winnie Teresa BeeBee ZongWei 
Our friendship can last longer :DD
I am sure that 2012 will be SEXY bcuz You guysss xDD
Let us get 8A in PMR and meet at 4S1 in 2013 bahh  ;D
*If 2012 ain't the end of world - -

Don't let the PAST steal your PRESENT :)
* Damn right *

Last night a bit no mood cuz some little damn thing - -
It's ok after chit-chatting wif ZiQian through FB
and SAMPAT in the phone wif  ZongWei 
at 12.00am - -

- - << seriously I like this emotion 

Bye yeaa.