Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Ohh busiest holiday ever. A holiday full with activities
but I have ponteng few times @@ - - laziness instigates me 
No time to take a break. No time to hang out. *this is the POINT
Seriously, I think my REAL holiday will come after genting competition - -
I still have to wait for a long time haha - -
Yeah no point post. no point life. no point

Should I give up? zz I really didn't mean to disturb u - -
Why it is so hard for me to know u - - 
I hate myself for loving u *just like BeeXian say TT
Hate really hate. It's not me - - I never find someone who don't know but you.
Gosh I'm going crazy. Maybe this hell stuff should be stopped. zz
I have no luck. miracle never happens on me haha 

BYE happy holiday :D