Friday, November 9, 2012


Hahaha Hey I'm here again 
Hang out at JUSCO with Teresa and BeeXian yesterday * Winnie Y U GO YOGA CLASS /.\
We kept eating *that's wat our point to hang out - -
Seriously we are going crazy and we need to eat and eat and eat to express
our heck feelings hahhahaaa
Anyway, it was a nice and enjoy day ^_^
Maybe our next stop is Auto City? :D EATING MISSION YEAH!

Hahahaa I am considering whether i want to join the friendship concert 
Regrettably, I prefer to be an audience than be a performer .__.
so I think there will be a high chance for me to say NO ^ ^
Next Saturday I will attend Pizza workshop with BeeXian XD

Just finished <<雷霆扫毒>>

ohh 官恩娜太美了! Happy Sir yeaa <3 p="p">